Hello! I am an interdisciplinary software engineer, rooted in a tradition of exploration that began with side projects during my school days, encompassing application software development, data science, cloud computing, machine learning, and complex system design and architecture. With a master's degree in computer science from UNC Charlotte and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from PES University, my journey has evolved from pursuing innovation for its own sake to tackling meaningful problems related to personal and public health, sustainability, biodiversity loss, AI alignment, and education reform. Alongside my professional endeavors, my passion for science, engineering, and philosophy continues to drive my curiosity and dedication to creating solutions with real-world impact.

Recent Endeavors

N arm bandits is a classical problem in computer science. In this Jupyter note book we will empirically verify that near greedy approch converges to optimal values faster than non greedy or greedy approches and maximizes the expected rewards. Jupyter Notebook
Causal Structure Discovery is the problem of identifying causal relationships from large quantities of data through computational methods. Solution to this problem can have wide of applications in non empirical scientific studies like climate, biodiversity and health. The current problem is existing methods are computationally not scalable and are data intensive. Jupyter Notebook

Projects from School & College Years

Object Detection
Object detection on raspberry pi. demo
Cartoon to realistic video generation using Conditional adverserial net. demo
Robot trained to sort metal and plastic. demo
Self Driving based on behaviour cloning on GTAV using Deep Conv net. details demo
Q Learning based Chrome Dino game. details
Generative adverserial network with variational auto encoder. details
Semi behaviour clone and reinforcement learning based drone navigation. details
Gaussian noise based latent vector to image. details
Learning Math with Virtual reality. details demo
Creating spacial awareness for drone. details demo
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Gesture interactions based visual reviews. details demo
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Recommendation system based on distance-preference matching. Demo link Available on Google app store download
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Recommendation system based on group preference matching. Available on Iphone app store download
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HCI system developed for interactive mathematics. Demo source code paper
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"Processor Enabled power management system by mechanically choosing the best batteries in a grid network" in the proceedings of CIMSIM 2011" full paper demo
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"Gesture and character tracing interactive lecture board in the internation journal of advanced computing" link
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An elastic group recommendation system designed for multivariate dynamic attributes. full paper
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Intel Ankur ( An embedded system for fliud quality analysis).
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Nokia PairUp. ( A wearable device to connect people with gestures) details
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The black watch (A wearable entertainment unit).
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Dell EMC (DataDomain) system performence measuring webportal. demo
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Yahoo Open Hack(2011) Gesture based robot control. demo